World Peace Lab

Coming To Peace - An Explorative Journey

- Deutsch & English -

WorldPeaceLab - about the course

WorldPeaceLab is a mutual explorative journey into an individual & collective transformation from war to peace. The initiators and facilitators of this course are Dr. Solomon A. Gutjahr (Germany) and Nagham Sleiman (Palestine / Israel / Germany).


We offer an exclusive sequel of 4 weekly Sunday events starting September 1st 2024 (free pre-course introduction on August 26th):

  • 3 online evenings (3 hrs: 18:30 – 21:30, Zoom)
  • 1 day live/online workshop in Berlin (6 hrs: 11:00-17:00)
  • Donation based - spendenbasiert

We also offer a Telegram info-channel and a Telegram group for deepening our conversations between the Sunday events. (Telegram group with safe space principles & admin!). Telegram group & resources access will be sent with your registration confirmation.


There will be a free pre-course introduction per Zoom video on Monday, August 26th, 18:00 - 19:00 h.

Course dates: September 1st (Zoom), September 8th (Zoom), September 15th (live workshop), September 22nd (Zoom)

Investment: 15 hours of course time,  a donation: what feels right to you to give , 100 - 150 €,  to be paid per PayPal or bank transfer

Why are we doing this explorative journey?

Words from the initiators Dr. Solomon Gutjahr & Nagham Sleiman

Dr. Solomon Gutjahr

People from Israel have been asking me again and again how I could live in the country that killed my ancestors in Auschwitz? Some people ask me how my mother and grandmother survived? People from Israel ask me if I feel safe today and if I feel welcomed as a Jew in Germany? Some people in Germany wonder if me and my family are still angry or feel a need for restitution? To be honest, for more than 50 years I used to feel lots of pain, sadness, anger, shame, suppressed, unacknowledged, righteous and victimized. This made me lose self-esteem and power! I behaved passive-aggressively. I felt numbed by ancestral trauma! Today I feel liberated, rich, grateful, blessed, empowered and full of love! I flipped the coin - what happened?

Nagham Sleiman

My name is Nagham Sleiman. I was born and raised as a Palestinian in Nazareth. All of my life I have asked myself why did I choose to be born specifically in the holy land as a Palestinian. What does my soul need to learn and experience?

With the years, growing up, my identity was not clear. I had to go through a process to reconnect and learn about my peoples history, stories and heritage as our own history was denied to us Palestinians under the Israeli government. We are not free to determine our own identity, culture and life. Despite all of that, my sense of freedom - what my soul simply knew - was bigger than any restriction.

Is this course for you?

This course is beneficial for you if:

  • You are longing for finding peace within you
  • You are eager to manifest peace outside
  • You are trying to find a healthy position within yourself to deal with the conflicts
  • You want to contribute to the transformation from war to peace
  • You want to understand the nature of trauma & narratives
  • You want to find a way to navigate through lies & truths
  • You want to find a way to navigate your nervous system through the daily triggers
  • You want to overcome fear

The course basics

  • Safety Principles / Rules & Process
  • Connecting & Safe Space Meditation (Song)
  • Leading Questions
  • Inspirational input on Resources
  • Sharing the Presence & Downloading
  • Sharing the findings in triades
  • Sharing the essence in the plenary

The content of the course

  • Pre-Course Introduction on Monday, August 26th
    18:00 - 19:00 (Zoom)
    Explaining and understanding the purpose of the journey and the process, principles and methods used, to be able to make a decision to participate.
  • Session #1 on September 1st: The Deep Dive
    18:30 – 21:30 (Zoom)
    Diving into the shadow & light of war & peace. Positive and negative perspective: where is the unrevealed light.
  • Session #2 on September 8th: In the “Paradigm of Victim & Perpetrator”
    18:30 – 21:30 (Zoom)
    Is the victim & perpetrator perspective or narrative helpful for coming to peace? Which are the principles & conditions that help me to find peace within?
  • Session #3 on September 15th: Understanding Human Social Systems by Constellation
    11:00 – 17:00 (live / zoom-online-workshop)
    The larger picture: Heaven & Hell on Earth
    Questions & Answers to Humanity – the individual & the collective perspective made visible
    Perspectives of Tribes & Nations
  • Session #4 on September 22nd: Integration: Seeds of hope, Messages to the World
    18:30 – 21:30 (Zoom)
    “Finding Peace” – what’s your story, narrative…how did you find peace? A light for me in the deepest darkness?

Course Registration

You can register directly via e-mail to or by using this form:

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